Wednesday, May 6, 2020

White Privilege And Black Privilege - 2557 Words

White Privilege in America Privilege affects everyone, regardless of if they are affected positively or negatively. Being the majority of majorities in America, white males bear an automatic stamp of privilege on their foreheads, although they would care very strongly not to admit it. On the surface, privilege does not seem like such a bad thing, but when you pay attention to the differentiation of struggles between white men and everyone else in America, you can see it is a very large issue. Whether it is in the classroom, in the workforce, in real estate, or even in your own home, white privilege is affecting you. White male privilege in America is counterproductive to the growth of equality in society today because it affects the quality of living and level of opportunity for the rest of the country’s inhabitants. Within all facets of life, you can find extreme examples of white privilege. Ask yourself, if a policeman pulled you over, would you assume automatically that the crime was the color of your skin? And would you wonder if that crime could cost you your life? The unanimous answer should be no, but it is guaranteed that within different races and communities, the answer will differ. Because of this, it is clear that different people of different races get treated differently; some may view this as having cultural luxuries. What are cultural luxuries? Many people may wonder what that is and when it will be so kindly afforded to them. The idea of cultural luxuryShow MoreRelatedWhite Privilege And Black Privilege1389 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"White privilege refers to the fact that in many societies, â€Å"white† people have access to greater power, authority, and privileges, than non-white people† (Robbins et al. 2013:81). It goes beyond letting white people get away with more than other races; it also discriminates against them. This is well illustrated by the history of white privilege in America and how it changed over time (Nkomo Ariss 2013) and how white privilege is used to benefit white people (Blum n.d). Without white privilegeRead MoreWhite Privilege And Black Privilege Essay1837 Words   |  8 PagesThis paper examines how white privilege continues to be constructed today within schools and how teachers have a large role in it. In today’s society, many can go through t heir lives without understanding what it is or how it effects other people. White privilege is how a person’s lighter skin color benefits them directly from birth and that person doesn’t have to do anything in order to gain these privileges. These privileges are good and usually don’t have any negative consequences for the personRead MoreWhite Privilege And Black Privilege1578 Words   |  7 PagesWhite privilege is the ability for whites to maintain an elevated status in society that masks racial inequality. It is also considered a system of advantage based on race, as well as societal privileges that benefit white people. It is usually known as the â€Å"other†, or the opposite side of discrimination. Some people in society, typically people of color, feel as though people with white skin have benefits over people of color, just because they’re white. White privilege is sometimes seen as a higherRead MoreWhite Privilege And Black Privilege1593 W ords   |  7 PagesWhite Privilege Dick Hebdige in â€Å"From Culture to Hegemony; Subculture: The Unnatural Break† states â€Å"All human societies reproduce themselves in this way through a process of ‘naturalization’. It is through this process- a kind of inevitable reflex of all social life- that particular sets of social relations, particular ways of organizing the world appear to us as if they were universal and timeless,† (142). Hebdige speaks to the fact that the way society is structured and the way people interactRead MoreWhite Privilege : Black Privilege1296 Words   |  6 PagesWhite Privilege in America Whit privilege is still a problem in America. Through history, white privilege has been a major civil conflict in American societies. It is still prevalent today. What most people want to know is if there is a way to prevent the continuation of white privilege. By knowing the history, and the various types of white privilege, there might be a way to overcome and eventually prevent it. To fully understand what white privilege is, one must first understand the origin ofRead MoreWhite Privilege And Black Privilege1732 Words   |  7 PagesWhite privilege is an advantage in society that is unmerited. Though it is practiced in every day life (whether it’s subtle or not), the majority views it as â€Å"absurd† and â€Å"non-existent†. It is a taboo that creates feelings of guilt, hostility and anger, but it must be addressed and understood in order to be eradicated. It is necessary for white people to acknowledge their part in maintaining and benefiting from a society that has thrived on racial hierarchy and white supremacy for centuries. WhiteRead MoreWhite Privilege And Black Privilege1340 Words   |  6 PagesThe term â€Å"privilege† is when a person has the right or confused with having the right to do something. For example, for someone to advance their education is not a privilege perhaps it is a right. In some cases during certain situation person can be granted the privilege. White privilege is a word greatly used in social rights that advantage individuals to be acknowledged as white in Western countries, afar what is frequently proficient by non-white individuals in the same social, political, orRead MoreWhite Privilege And Black Privilege Essay2193 Words   |  9 Pages When I think about white privilege, I see it as something I must understand to truly feel a relation to my own privileges with race. â€Å"As a white person, I realized I had been taught about racism as something which puts others at a disadvantage, but had been taught not to see one of its corollary aspects, white privilege, which puts me at an advantage.† (McIntosh 1988) When comparing other privileges McIntosh sees that her life is more influenced by her skin color than class, religion, ethnic statusRead MoreWhite Privilege And Black Privilege2557 Words   |  11 PagesWhite Privilege in America Privilege affects everyone, regardless of if they are affected positively or negatively. Being the majority of majorities in America, white males bear an automatic stamp of privilege on their foreheads, although they would care very strongly not to admit it. On the surface, privilege does not seem like such a bad thing, but when you pay attention to the differentiation of struggles between white men and everyone else in America, you can see it is a very large issue. WhetherRead MoreWhite Privilege : The Black Privilege988 Words   |  4 PagesWhite Privilege Privilege is defined as â€Å"a special advantage or authority possessed by a particular person or group† in the Cambridge Dictionary. Globally, white individuals are often granted privileges than minority groups do not receive. While white privilege often goes unnoticed by white individuals, it causes many disadvantages for people of color and effects how they see themselves. Furthermore, Affirmative Action attempts to equal the playing field for minorities but is faced with contention

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